Why Lions? Because Eli loves them.
Elijah was diagnosed with Autism at the age of Two and a half years old.
This is a story of my life with my beautiful family.
I will share the happy times, the sad times, and everything in between.


New thoughts on this blog...

Okay everyone. I have decided that this blog is soooo BORING! Pursuing Recovery?
Well first, let me tell you that I will continue to help my child get better in any way I can. I honestly think though that if God wants Eli to be Autistic, he will stay Autistic no matter what. It is my job to help him cope and do anything I can to lessen his symptoms though.
I know I just started this blog, but the fact is that it has made me have to face facts that I have been ignoring forever. I don't want to be depressed and I don't want to just "cure" Eli. I want to help him to function and grow as much as he can without having false hopes that make me feel horrible if he never loses the title of Autism. Elijah is smart, funny, cute, complexed, completely nuts, and I love him.

That being said.....

I am going to put this blog through a HUGE face lift! I will keep my information and track how he is doing, But I am tired of being caught up with the down side. I was reading another moms blog and this is what she had to say about it: (BTW: I highly recommend her blog, She is witty and hilarious!)

Stimey believes rodents are funny, autism may be different than you think, and that if you have a choice between laughing and crying, you should always try to laugh—although sometimes you may have to do both. 

Sure there will be scary or sad, or very sad times. I will post the good, the bad, and the ugly. But I have been in a mourning stage ever since he was diagnosed. It's time to move on. It's hard to think of your child being sent to a home at a young age, never getting married, or being able to fully enjoy life. But, I have to sir come to the fact and embrace and love things for how they are. Refuse the bad... and make it good. There is a bright side to every story no matter how little.

1 comment:

  1. That's the way to be! It must be hard, but I'm sure a positive spin will make you and your family a lot happier.


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