Why Lions? Because Eli loves them.
Elijah was diagnosed with Autism at the age of Two and a half years old.
This is a story of my life with my beautiful family.
I will share the happy times, the sad times, and everything in between.



Yesterday was quite the day but I would have had it over and over just to have the day I had today. It was crazy with getting Eli's allergy shots sent. My Sister in law (who has been giving Eli his shots so we don't have to go all the way to Overland Park twice a week.) sent in a fax for a refill and they never sent it. So, thanks to  the office, Eli is going to be late on his shots again, but we are so thankful for what his Aunt is doing for us to make things a little easier. I also finally got Eli's medical supplies in but, in the wrong size. This stuff always happens. I think maybe it just goes hand in hand with having a special needs child when you have more then one or two physicians, therapists, medical equipment, blah blah blah. Anyway, Yesterday wasn't a good day for Eli at all. He seemed confused and tantrum ed quite a bit. He seemed more aware of things to the point that it irritated him which of course the awareness is great, but to the point of freaking him out? His little pillow pet Lion he has pretty much disowned because I showed him that he makes snoring sounds when you press his head. (It's actually really cute!) He totally freaked out and now "Lion 2" has been put out to sleep at the bottom of the stairs because he snores and that's to weird. Why didn't I show him this sooner? He got him for Christmas, and I forgot. Okay, now some parents wouldn't be so impressed by this, but I was totally excited! The fact that he didn't stim, he actually was thinking about what was going on, and the fact that he made his own opinion!!!! Yay! Then, Mike was working on him with asking his name and age... He actually was able to answer! So, today I let him go to school and when he got home he was pretty tired, so he took a nap. When he woke he was so happy and just "here with us". He would look at me and dance with me! He also has never been able to put the home phone up to his ear because of to much sensory but not only did he do that, He carried a little conversation the best he could with his Grandma LaVonne! He was so proud of himself that he actually was able to communicate and  I was so proud I cried and have been thanking God all evening.

We aren't out of the dark with all the medication switches, but we are so thankful for finding this new doctor. The fight over a few weeks of being on the phones and two days of going to different centers and hospitals was all worth it. Elijah's Pediatrician is amazing and they helped lead us until we got the help we needed. So, now we seem to have two doctors that are keepers.

Eli has gone back into his own little world by bedtime, but from the day we have had I can't do anything but smile because today, even for a little bit, I had my little boy in my world.

Thank you to all of you who have and are keeping little Eli and our family in your prayers. Today, some of these prayers were truly answered.
Thank you for all you that inspire us to keep pushing forward and for the support and the understanding even if at times you don't. The phone calls, emails, and even quick posts mean so much. Thank you.


  1. Oh my goodness...that is wonderful! Sounds like the changes in doctors and meds are going well. I can't wait to tell Dad. :)

  2. Isn't it great! I hope you all are staying warm in this cold weather. Tell Dad I said hi!=)

  3. This is great news! I'm so glad you could share this with him today. It brings tears to my eyes and I can only imagine what it means to you.
    I love you all!

  4. Your right Karen, I am so happy to share with everyone but it goes deeper. A deeper feeling that I don't think words could express exactly how it felt. Amazing. I love you all too!

  5. I'm tearing up here! That's so wonderful! I know exactly how it feels to have a child who's finally able to express himself! There aren't words to express how it feels to have your little guy put together words and do something other than freaking out. I am happy beyond words and I will be praying for you and Eli.

  6. Thank you Becca! There is something very special that you and I can understand about this in a mothers perspective.

  7. That is great! I will come back and read often.

    I, too, have a son on the spectrum. My blog is:
    www.itsawetism.blogspot.com. Come by if you get a chance.

  8. Hi Donna! I love your blog and am following it!=) I am so happy you found me!


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