Why Lions? Because Eli loves them.
Elijah was diagnosed with Autism at the age of Two and a half years old.
This is a story of my life with my beautiful family.
I will share the happy times, the sad times, and everything in between.


Developmental Milestones

Do you ever just not know what to teach your child or where to even start? Well, I know I can get pretty overwhelmed and confused. So, I had an idea. If you go to the CDC website they have a list of milestones by age and what you should mainly expect from your child from birth to ages 5 years. I am going to go through and look over each milestone, yes all ages, and make a list of the things Eli doesn't know yet. Then one at a time I will start trying to implement those things so I can cross them off the list as he succeeds. I know some may take longer then others and some may be ongoing work but I am thinking that it will at least give me ideas of somewhere to start and also as to what doctors and teachers will be looking for to see if he knows. If you want to do this to the link that I am getting my information from is: http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/milestones/index.html


  1. A very good resource! Many first time parents don't know what their child should be doing at what age. The "Parents as Teachers" program gives you hand outs with every visit and show you things to do with your child to help them grow. We did this for the first 2 years. I also have the "What to Expect" books as a reference.

  2. Also great resources! I am so happy you are following! Eli is past the age of parents as teachers but we did go through first steps until he was 3 years old.


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