Why Lions? Because Eli loves them.
Elijah was diagnosed with Autism at the age of Two and a half years old.
This is a story of my life with my beautiful family.
I will share the happy times, the sad times, and everything in between.


Still fighting schedule!

Okay, so remember me saying that I was so excited for Eli to get on the bus and start school a week from yesterday? Well Eli was excited to. We waited, and waited, and waited. No Bus!
So, after half an hour I call the bus company and they informed me that they were called just the day before saying there would be no school for the early education center due to them deciding to have teachers conferences. They didn't tell us and I wasn't the only parent calling in. I am just so happy I wasn't mean and waited to know what happened. It was quite the ordeal getting Eli settled. He was set to go to school and that was all that was on his little mind. Since he only goes to school through Thursday, That meant that he wouldn't have school until the following Monday. Well, due to weather they closed the school all week until today. And yes, he did finally get to go today but now he will have another 4 days without school instead of 3 because of the holiday. He is going nuts not knowing what to think about all this! I feel so bad for him and yet haven't known how to handle his tantrums. He is so upset about this. It's even harder when you are stuck inside!

Michael my husband had an interview for a job that would give us more family time and scheduled hours. Right now he is working nights during the week so I usually never have anyone to help with both kiddos. Especially with errands except for what I can do when Eli is in school. "When he is in School".
I just hope Mikey gets this job, it would be a great step up for us and he would have so much less stress!

This was from one of Elijah's Hospital trips... He is adorable even when things aren't the best!=)


  1. Poor guy! It's so hard when you just can't explain something like that. I hope Michael gets this job, we'll be praying for it!

  2. Oh, that is so hard for him to understand, and so exhausting for you to deal with the challenges from outside your home that you have no control over. They affect everything within your home. We continually pray for you, Amy, that you will find the strength to endure the hard things and have more good moments for you and your little family to enjoy. Hope this weekend flies by for little Eli. I can just picture his cute smiley face when he sees his bus again!

  3. Thank you for the prayers and being there! It has been tough, but I am thankful even when I am mad and frusterated!!=)
    Michael wasn't picked for the job.. So I guess it just wasn't meant to be. Love you all!


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