Why Lions? Because Eli loves them.
Elijah was diagnosed with Autism at the age of Two and a half years old.
This is a story of my life with my beautiful family.
I will share the happy times, the sad times, and everything in between.



Yesterday and this last week was probably one of the toughest ones I have been through.
Even though I feel like I have no support group like the regional center (because we are still on a waiting list), the right doctors, therapies, and respite, I am very thankful for the friends and family that are always there for us and are consistent. I am also thankful for my beautiful children who are the best thing that could have ever happened to me and Michael. My fears for Eli are simply fears of losing him or the potential I know he has. I want to do anything that will help him and don't want to deny anything unknowingly. As parent's, This is a huge responsibility. Not one we can do without our Heavenly Father.
As for my husband, I have a high respect for him. We have been through so much together. In 2009 the statistics of a marriage staying together with a child on the autism spectrum were over  80% and have gotten higher now. When I said "shambles" (wrong word. I tend to be bad at that.) I basically meant lacking because of how much we have been through. We do deserve so much more for our marriage then what has been handed to us.
Really, I think most men would have skipped out by now. Yet, I have a man that refuses to leave. Maybe things aren't perfect, but he has always been steady on being here and I love him for that.
We are both aware that this year we are going to have to do something pretty drastic to help our little guy and that is a huge stress. His little future is in our hands, But I also know and have to remind myself that more importantly he is in God's.
As much as things can be so hard, there are also things to be thankful for. It's trying to create a balance that can sometimes be tricky.
We don't know what will be decided with Eli, but we thank you for all your prayers and support as Michael and I start looking into things and making some calls to help him for this next year. Especially this summer.

One of my favorite photos of my boys.

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